European Union Initiative
Business Negotiation Skills and Intercultural Communication
Armenia | Public Journalism Club, The Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey

On September 24, Public Journalism Club (PJC) will conduct a preparatory training ''Business Negotiation Skills and Intercultural Communication'' for the representatives of 10 startups from Armenia who have been selected by PJC to participate in the StartupIstanbul Regional Forum through “Support to the Armenia-Turkey Normalization Process” (ATNP) Program.   

During the first part of the training, the participants will get acquainted with the cultural, political and social-economic peculiarities of Turkey, will discuss the development process of Turkey-Armenia relations and the current issues that will be presented by Artak Shakaryan, the Expert of the Turkish Studies. 

The participants will also meet Artak Ayunts, Expert on Conflict Resolution, who will present different models of conflict resolution, in particular, discussing the Armenian-Turkish example. During the meeting, a simulation game and a discussion are also anticipated.  

During the second part of the training, with the help of Stepan Khzrtyan, Founder-Stockholder of «LegalLab» law boutique, the startup represetnatives will obtain practical skills about making skillful negotiations in business environment.

How to negotiate with different investors representing business environments of different countries? How to attract investors' attention? How to establish stable business relationships with other entrepreneurs and startup environment representatives? How to be memorable and impressive? How to refine the pitches to engage investors and prove a company’s value? How to run business meetings? Which are the "do’s and don’ts" of negotiations? These and some other aspects of negotiations will be discussed during the training.

The representatives of 10 startups from Armenia, who will participate in the StartupIstanbul Regional Forum  on October 6-10, were also engaged in the first stage of the preparatory training on September 17, which aimed at developing the skills to pitch the startup ideas to investors.

The selected startups from Armenia represent various projects, such as game development, home automation and smart home systems, cloud data security, automated registration systems, etc. 

This year 24.646 startups applied for “StartupIstanbul” leading forum from 135 states, and only about 500 startups will participate in the event. 15 best startups will have an opportunity to make a speech from the stage in front of the audience of 4000 attendees. Armenian 10 companies are among those 500 startups, the participation of which was due to the coordination of Public Journalist Club and TEPAV Foundation within the framework of the Exchange of Entrepreneurs component under the “Support to the Armenia-Turkey Normalization Process” (ATNP) Program.     


The Armenia-based startups will also have separate booths during the Forum, showcasing not only their startup products, but also the ICT ecosystem of Armenia and the “Support to the Armenia-Turkey Normalization Process” (ATNP) Program.     

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Translating Turkish prose into Armenian: another way of dialogue