Eighteen young entrepreneurs from Armenia and Turkey will start an intensive 4 months capacity building program as part of the Technology Goes Beyond Borders project (TGBB) funded by the U.S.Embassy in Armenia.
The project gives young ICT entrepreneurs from Armenia and Turkey an opportunity to build their capacity through mentorship support and training, advancement of their startups and collaborative partnerships.
The project is implemented by the Microsoft Innovation Center and Public Journalism Club in collaboration with the Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV).
Three teams from Armenia and three teams from Turkey are enrolled in the project. The teams will have two rounds of online mentorship sessions with selected mentors from Armenia and Turkey and will get together in Armenia for a 4-day crash course at Microsoft Innovation Center. In the first stage of the capacity building program (February23-March 23, 2015) the mentors will work with teams to identify and address their needs through online sessions.
The course in Armenia (March 26-29) will be tailored to the needs of teams and will also focus on such areas as technological capacity, customer development/acquisition, business modelling and developing an impressive pitch. During the second round of mentorship sessions (April 2015) the teams will get support in fine-tuning their ideas and preparing their pitches. In May, the representative of the teams will meet in Armenia once again to pitch their ideas to investors from Armenia and Turkey.
Microsoft Innovation Center Armenia
The network of Microsoft Innovation Centers operates worldwide, providing local IT communities with programs and services to expand the local startup community, strengthen innovation and improve competitiveness. In May 2011, the Microsoft Innovation Center Armenia (MIC Armenia) was created and joined this global network of innovation and development efforts initiated by Microsoft. MIC Armenia focuses on providing support to the local community to stimulate the development of new startups that are competitive and successful in the marketplace. We provide services and support to the Armenian IT community and students to create business from their ideas
Public Journalism Club
Established in March 2011, the Public Journalism Club (PJC) unifies journalists, social media experts, and advocates to improve information dissemination through collaboration between new technologies and media.
The organization's mission is to promote freedom of expression, diversity and pluralism in Armenia developing participatory and public journalism by bridging public reporters and professional journalists, mass media and social media, IT and social sector specialists. During the last 3 years PJC has succeeded to establish a positive reputation in the field byeffectively implementing a few targeted innovative, trailblazing projects collectively reflected at public reporting platform and Hackathon{YAN} contest of innovative ideas.
The Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV)
The Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey is a non-partisan, non-profit think tank based in Ankara, Turkey. TEPAV was established in 2004 as an independent research institute and is Turkey’s largest economic policy think-tank employing highly talented researchers and experts.
TEPAV’s mission is to develop innovative policy strategies for public and private sector development within Turkey and the surrounding region. Our interdisciplinary approach focuses on fostering competitive business environment, improving regional development within Turkey and supporting international economic integration. TEPAV’s approach is to accomplish our mission through project based innovations by bringing together different players and experts for a common goal.