European Union Initiative
Summary of EOE Activities and Participants
Armenia, Turkey | Public Journalism Club, The Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey

Over ninety (90) participants have benefited from technology related exchange projects implemented by the Public Journalism Club (Armenia) in collaboration with its Turkey based partner TEPAV in 2014-2015.  ICT industry leaders and experts, investors, academia representatives, established and emerging young entrepreneurs from both countries were involved in exchanges and capacity building initiatives, including:

  • 39 young entrepreneurs
  • 41 experts and industry leaders
  • 4 investors
  • 3 educators and 3 journalists  

Geography of participants included Ankara, Istanbul, Izmir, California, New York, Yerevan and Gyumri.


The database presented here features participants from and contributors to a number of our projects, including:

  • Exchange of Entrepreneurs: Exchange Visit of a Delegation from Turkey to Armenia (funded by the European Union)
  • Exchange of Entrepreneurs: Exchange Visit of a Delegation from Armenia to Turkey (funded by the European Union)
  • Technology Goes Beyond Borders: Online Mentorship and Crash Course in Armenia (co-funded by the European Union and the U.S. Embassy to Armenia)

As part of these projects the participants attended round tables and startup contests, visited ICT centers of excellence in both Armenia and Turkey.


“Exchange of Entrepreneurs” (EOE) Project is  jointly organised by the Public Journalism Club (PJC) and the Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV) within the framework of the programme ‘‘Support to the Armenia-Turkey Normalisation Process’’ funded by the European Union. The project aims to help ICT representatives from Armenia and Turkey to form an understanding of the ICT sector in the neighbouring country and explore opportunities for collaboration.


Technology Goes Beyond Borders (TGBB) is implemented by the Microsoft Innovation Center and Public Journalism Club in collaboration with the Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV) with financial support from the U.S. Embassy in Armenia and co-funding from the European Union.


See the infographic and booklet below for the results and participants of individual projects.

Event Calendar
Translating Turkish prose into Armenian: another way of dialogue