European Union Initiative
A Media Crew from Turkey Arrived to Learn Armenia and Armenians
Armenia | Eurasia Partnership Foundation

On March 16-19 Eurasia Partnership Foundation (EPF) hosted the first media crew (a three member team) from Turkey as part of its ongoing project within the framework of Armenia-Turkey Normalisation Process Programme funded by the European Union.


Handan Kazanci and her colleagues represent Turkey’s Anadolu News Agency. While in Armenia they conducted a series of interviews with civil society representatives, business community and representatives of academic community in Armenia on various topics covering Armenia-Turkey economic opportunities, political context and future developments.


Their topics of specific interest included – Gyumri, Turkish speaking Armenians, normalization process after 2015 etc.


For the materials prepared by the crew click here:


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To address the issue of a lack of interest towards Armenia and Armenia-Turkey relations in Turkey, EPF is arranging for short visits by media crews of several leading TV channels from Turkey to Armenia.  It is expected that three such crews will visit Armenia around and after April 24. They will produce a minimum of 6 video reports describing today’s Armenia and Armenians each broadcast in the air of the mainstream Turkey TV channel.



Event Calendar
Translating Turkish prose into Armenian: another way of dialogue