European Union Initiative
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Media Bus Tour
Armenia, Turkey | Eurasia Partnership Foundation
Media bus tour to re-explore your own country and learn about the neighbouring country. The media bus tour provides an excellent opportunity for the participating journalists to re-explore their own country and learn about the other country, and increase the attention given to the issue of Armenia-Turkey relations in the media of the two countries.

EPF will carry out a Media Bus Tour for a group of eight video and photo journalists, filmmakers and bloggers from Armenia and Turkey.


EPF, in consultation with the other members of the Consortium, will elaborate on the participant selection criteria, build the agenda of the tour and conduct the tour. The selection criteria might include the existence of previous articles or TV reports on Armenia-Turkey relations. Given the size of Turkey, the tour will combine air flights between some of the tour destinations in Turkey with land transportation by bus in other parts of Turkey and Armenia.


The participants will have an opportunity to attend a number of ATNP-related events and activities both in Turkey and Armenia.


The tour will introduce the bus tour participants to the culturally, politically and socially important stakeholders and aspects of the other country, as well as to the activities of the other members of the Consortium and of the EU in Turkey and Armenia in an interrelated, shared and debated manner and environment. As a result of the tour, the participating media professionals (and their media organisations whenever appropriate) from Armenia and Turkey will develop human and professional relations, while each participating media professional will publish a number of print and/or video reports through his/her media outlets or through social networks.

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