European Union Initiative
Teachers from Armenia and Turkey get together in Yavaş Gamats Summer School in Kocaeli
Turkey | Citizens’ Assembly
40 teachers and teacher candidates from Armenia and Turkey have come together in Kocaeli for taking part in Summer School which aims to contribute to confidence and peace-building between the societies of Turkey and Armenia.

Yavaş Gamats Summer School co-organised by Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly Turkey and Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly Vanadzor office .  


On its first day on August 11th, summer school started with introduction of participants and the one-week programme ending with the screening of the documentary ‘The Other Town’ and discussions with the director Nefin Dinç.


Throughout the one-week summer school, the participants will take part in various workshops, film screenings and group work. An editorial team selected out of participants will also be publishing a Daily Bulletin about the summer school activities.


You can follow the latest news about the Yavaş Gamats Summer School on and on twitter  @yavasgamats.


*Yavaş means ‘‘slow’’ in Turkish and Gamats means ‘‘slow’’ in Armenian:  The first Yavaş Gamats Summer School was organised in 2005 in Antakya with the participation of university students of both countries.



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